Author Archives: Liz Rimmer

Gluten free raspberry buns

Gluten free raspberry buns

My mum used to make raspberry buns a lot when I was younger and they were one of my brother’s favourite things to have for his supper. I do love making things that evoke happy memories of years gone by. I’ve had a go at rustling up gluten free raspberry buns twice now and I’ve […]

Easy gluten free pizza

Easy gluten free pizza

Whilst I have successfully made gluten free loaves in the breadmaker using Juvela gluten free mix, I’m a novice when it comes to general gluten free bread making. And that includes making gluten free pizza bases too. But as I have been asked on a couple of occasions for a gf pizza base recipe and […]

Welsh rarebit

Welsh rarebit

So often the recipes I share with you are not about originality but more about rustling up good old classics that I just fancy eating. But it’s funny, how sometimes you forget about things you’ve enjoyed in the past. Welsh rarebit is one of the many delicious things that had slipped my mind, until recently […]

Gluten free pineapple, coconut and fruit loaf

Gluten free pineapple, coconut and fruit loaf

For the last few years, I have ordered myself a Dairy Diary off Amazon (available to order from your milkman too). I love these diaries, as not only do they have just the right amount of space to jot down daily notes, they also have a fabulous hints and tips section and the most appealing […]

Gluten free Easter cupcakes

Gluten free Easter cupcakes

Bringing you a lovely simple recipe for some rather cute, gluten free Easter cupcakes; soft chocolate sponge cakes, topped with delicious swirls of chocolate buttercream and crowned with sugar coated, Cadbury’s mini eggs.

Gluten free potato cakes

Gluten free potato cakes

Updated 18th November 2023 Here’s a lovely easy recipe for gluten free potato cakes. I tend to make potato cakes when I have a little bit of mashed potato leftover and would normally just add enough gluten free flour to the cold mash until it feels right. But as I’m now sharing the recipe with […]

Gluten free apple turnovers

Gluten free apple turnovers

I can’t look at an apple turnover without being reminded of the first time I ate one. It was back in the early 80’s and it involved a rather giggly meal at a friend’s house. Which resulted in my friend getting moved swiftly away from the table by her mum, to go and eat her […]

Mini gluten free chicken and ham pies

Mini gluten free chicken and ham pies

It’s funny, how some foods that didn’t thrill me before being diagnosed with coeliac disease, I’ve suddenly become a fan of. Pies being a classic example. Whilst I’ve made lots of large savoury gluten free pies and quiches, I thought it would make a nice change to have a go at making some small individual […]

Gluten free Black Forest gateau

Gluten free Black Forest gateau

I was really happy with how this gluten free Black Forest gateau turned out. The original recipe I used came from the BBC Good Food website, and as with so many standard recipes, with a few tweaks and ingredient checks, it was possible to make it completely gluten free.