Author Archives: Liz Rimmer

Gluten free cheese and red onion buttermilk scones

Gluten free cheese and red onion buttermilk scones

Whilst I’ve already got a popular fruit scone recipe on the blog, I was keen to hunt down a good savoury variation for you to whip up too. I’d also been eager to test out scones made with buttermilk. I felt it would make them a bit squishier inside. I was right…it does!  Googling ‘scones […]

Gluten free lemon surprise pudding

Gluten free lemon surprise pudding

I’m super excited to be sharing this gluten free lemon surprise pudding with you as it’s a real cracker! My mum used to make lemon surprise pudding a lot and I always loved it. But it was one of those recipes I’d forgotten about until my sister-in-law, Kate, mentioned that she’d recently made it. This […]

Gluten free mini party cakes

Gluten free mini party cakes

For many years, I had the absolute joy of being a part of my niece, and nephew’s birthday parties. Each year, my sister-in-law, Kate would invite me over to assist her in the kitchen to get the food prepped beforehand and also to then be on hand to help out, once the party was in […]

Gluten free coffee and walnut cake

Gluten free coffee and walnut cake

Delighted to share this lovely simple recipe, for a rather delicious gluten free coffee and walnut cake with you. A good old classic, that’s a favourite treat for many. The original recipe I used for this coffee and walnut cake came from Nigella Lawson’s website and it works splendidly as a gluten free version.

Gluten free coconut tarts

Gluten free coconut tarts

Updated 17th February 2022 I’ve only made these coconut tarts once and the day after I made them, I debated about playing around with the recipe. But a quick chat with my best friend (who’d sampled and loved them) convinced me that I needed to stop faffing and just get on and tell you all […]

How to safely cater for coeliacs; a helpful guide for the catering industry

Smoked salmon

Whilst it’s brilliant that many eateries can safely cater for people with coeliac disease (or anybody that requires a gluten free diet), unfortunately, there are a few that don’t quite get it right. I personally feel the lack of understanding, of how crucial a strict gluten free diet needs to be for people living with […]

Gluten free quiche Lorraine

Gluten free quiche Lorraine

Delighted to be bringing you this recipe for a scrumptious quiche Lorraine. A true classic dish here in the UK. Quiche is perfect served up with a delicious colourful salad, works splendidly as part of a buffet spread and of course can be enjoyed hot or cold. This gluten free shortcrust pastry quiche is jam […]

Fresh milk: Why I love getting mine delivered to the door

3 milk bottles on a step

A few years ago, we decided to start having our milk delivered, rather than picking it up from the supermarket. It’s something that my parents and grandparents have always done, but it took us a little longer to cotton on to this fabulous and most convenient arrangement. And whilst from the start we’ve always appreciated […]

Warburtons gluten free white cob with sourdough: Six ways to use your loaf

Warburtons gluten free white cob with sourdough

I’m a massive fan of Warburtons gluten free white cob with sourdough. And I love to cut myself a nice thick slice from this soft white cob, toast it and enjoy with whatever topping that grabs me on the day. When toasted, the bread crisps up perfectly around the edges but remains soft and chewy […]

Gluten free white chocolate and cranberry cookies

Gluten free white chocolate and cranberry cookies

I’m so excited to be sharing this fabulous recipe for white chocolate and cranberry cookies with you. I’d been wanting to get a cookie recipe on my site for a while now, and last week I finally went on the hunt for THE recipe that I felt would work well in gluten free format. Well […]