Author Archives: Liz Rimmer

Gluten free banana chocolate muffins

Gluten free banana chocolate muffins on a floral china plate

If you are reading this, I just want to say “thank you”. As if it wasn’t for you, I probably wouldn’t have given these delicious banana chocolate muffins a go. Whilst I have a long list of great recipes that I’d eventually like to share with you, I’m always on the hunt for new ones […]

Gluten free sticky toffee pudding cake

Gluten free sticky toffee cake

I’ve been at it again, rustling up a gluten free version of another delicious classic. This time I’m bringing you a rather wonderful recipe for a sticky toffee pudding cake.

Gluten free sherry trifle

Gluten free trifle

I got myself so excited to share this gluten free sherry trifle recipe, that I didn’t know where to start. So many words, so many trifle food memories… spotting it on a well laden sweet trolley, my mum making it every Christmas. You get it?!! Trifle brings me GREAT joy! 

Gluten free scrunch

Gluten free scrunch squares piled up

If you’ve never had the pleasure of tucking into a golden square of scrunch, you’ve been missing a real treat! Scrunch is similar in texture to flapjack, with the same familiar flavours going on too. It’s deliciously crunchy, buttery, syrupy and EXTREMELY moreish (you’ve been warned).  

Gluten free butterscotch blondies

Gluten free butterscotch blondies

One of the many joys of writing a gluten free food blog, is testing out recipes. While most of the time this simply involves rustling up gluten free versions of classics that I’ve enjoyed prior to being diagnosed with coeliac disease, sometimes it can be trying something completely new to me; which was the case […]

Gluten free Eve’s pudding with blackberries and apples

Gluten free Eves pudding with blackberries and apples

Eve’s pudding with blackberries and apples, is one of the MANY delicious puddings I enjoyed as a child. However, I’m sure the blackberries in the pudding back then were not shop bought (unlike the ones I used for this recipe), instead, they’d have been picked by my mum, from the blackberry bushes on the surrounding […]

Gluten free butterfly cakes

Gluten free butterfly cakes

A few months ago, my friend Paula, messaged me to ask would I make a batch of cupcakes for her Birthday. Her request was; “something like a Victoria sponge but as fairy cakes, so a jam and cream fairy cake”. I thought that a batch of freshly made gluten free butterfly cakes, filled with raspberry […]

Gluten free choux buns (filled with pastry cream)

Gluten free choux pastry buns filled with pastry cream

I’m thrilled to be sharing this recipe for gluten free choux buns with you. As I know what a big deal it is when following a gluten free diet to still be able to enjoy scrumptious treats that pack the same punch as their gluten filled equivalents. And these gf choux buns certainly do just […]

Gluten free citrus muffins

Gluten free citrus muffins

I was having a little hunt through my recipe books and came across this one for gluten free citrus muffins in my Juvela gluten free foods recipe folder. These muffins are SO easy to pop together, but boy oh boy do they reward you well with a glorious little cake. Soft pale lemon sponge, with […]

Gluten free sausage rolls with chilli jam

Gluten free sausage rolls with chilli jam

Me and Neil are slightly obsessed with these gluten free sausage rolls with chilli jam. In fact, despite Neil being able to eat ‘normal’ food, the first time I made them, he declared that they were the nicest thing I’d ever made.