Category Archives: Puddings/desserts

This selection of heartwarming gluten free puddings and deserts recipes have been wonderfully influenced by my childhood. As growing up, puddings were on the menu EVERY day in our house! Here you will discover, comforting traditional puddings and delightful desserts which work splendidly, when made entirely gluten free.

Gluten free choux buns (filled with pastry cream)

Gluten free choux pastry buns filled with pastry cream

I’m thrilled to be sharing this recipe for gluten free choux buns with you. As I know what a big deal it is when following a gluten free diet to still be able to enjoy scrumptious treats that pack the same punch as their gluten filled equivalents. And these gf choux buns certainly do just […]

Gluten free lemon surprise pudding

Gluten free lemon surprise pudding

I’m super excited to be sharing this gluten free lemon surprise pudding with you as it’s a real cracker! My mum used to make lemon surprise pudding a lot and I always loved it. But it was one of those recipes I’d forgotten about until my sister-in-law, Kate, mentioned that she’d recently made it. This […]

Gluten free Black Forest gateau

Gluten free Black Forest gateau

I was really happy with how this gluten free Black Forest gateau turned out. The original recipe I used came from the BBC Good Food website, and as with so many standard recipes, with a few tweaks and ingredient checks, it was possible to make it completely gluten free. 

Gluten free steamed jam sponge pudding

Gluten free steamed jam sponge pudding

Had a little bash at making a gluten free steamed jam sponge pudding the other day and was absolutely over the moon with how well it turned out. The sponge was perfectly light and compared fabulously to ‘gluten filled’ steamed puddings I’d enjoyed many years ago.

Gluten free chocolate sponge and chocolate sauce

Gluten free chocolate sponge and chocolate sauce

Calling all school dinner lovers, this recipe might just be up your street! I hope like me, you were lucky enough to have experienced chocolate sponge and chocolate sauce whilst you were growing up. I was double lucky, as not only did I get to tuck into it at school, my mum also made it […]

Lees meringue pavlova – naturally gluten free!

Gluten free meringue pavlova filled with cream and summer fruit berries

As a cook, sometimes I feel a bit guilty when I buy ready-made shop bought things. But when I’m short of preparation time, I’m really glad there are great convenience products on hand that can help me out just when I need it. This Lees meringue pavlova that I picked up from Aldi the other […]

Custard filled pavlova topped with fresh strawberries and white chocolate drizzle

Strawberry Pavlova

I love pavlova. In fact, if picking from a menu it would probably be my first pudding of choice. Gluten free sticky toffee pudding or a fabulous ice cream would also be huge contenders! One of the many great things about a pavlova, is that it is also naturally gluten free. Hoorah! Of course when […]

Gluten free raspberry and white chocolate trifle

Gluten free raspberry and white chocolate trifle

Updated 15th October 2021 A few weeks ago, I was asked for a gluten free Madeira cake recipe. The lady who requested it, wanted to use it as a base to make a gluten free raspberry and white chocolate trifle, which was very much enjoyed by her son-in-law. She told me a little more about […]

Creamy rice pudding with delicious apricot compote| Naturally gluten free

Creamy rice pudding with apricot compote

It’s National School Meals Week this week and I have very fond memories of my school dinners, as I was one of those kids that loved them! Fortunately, at our junior school we had a fabulous cook. she could get a little cross with us at times when we got a bit rowdy – and […]