Gluten free Scotch pancakes (drop scones)

A stack of gluten free Scotch pancakes

I was lucky enough to spend a few extremely happy years of my childhood, living in a rather wonderful Scottish seaside town called Thurso. It was whilst living in Thurso, that I got to try Scotch pancakes for the first time. This was thanks to our neighbour, who we affectionately called Auntie Jannetta, popping round to our house and standing with my mum at the stove, as they rustled up a batch of pancakes together. 

The original recipe I used to make these Scotch pancakes came from Baking with Granny. It’s the same site where I grabbed the VERY nice date and walnut traybake recipe from. 

Scotch pancakes are light and fluffy and and are super easy to make. They make the most wonderful breakfast or supper treat. I love them just as they come or spread with a little butter. They’re a delightful, simple, very tasty snack, which go perfectly with a nice cuppa! 

Ingredients (makes approx. 12)

110g (4oz) gluten free self-raising flour or mix
Pinch salt
25g (1oz) caster sugar
1 large egg
140ml milk (any milk is fine)
1 dessertspoon vegetable oil (extra for frying the pancakes)

Flatlay of ingredients for Scotch pancakes


Sift the flour into a large bowl, add the sugar and salt and stir through.

Gluten free flour sugar and salt in a bowl

Whisk together the milk and egg and gradually add to the dry ingredients. Whisk until nice and smooth.

Batter for gluten free Scotch pancakes

Add the oil and mix again.  

Batter for gluten free Scotch pancakes

Grease a large non-stick frying pan with a little veg oil and heat.

Lightly oiled non stick frying pan

Once the pan is hot, spoon in tablespoons of batter to form each pancake (I found one tablespoon was the perfect amount but the original recipe I used suggested two). Unless your pan is huge, you will probably only manage to cook three pancakes at a time.

Gluten free scotch pancakes cooking in a frying pan

Once the pancakes start bubbling and the mixture looks like It’s almost cooked turn them over.

Gluten free scotch pancakes cooking in a frying pan

Cook until the underside turns golden brown

Gluten free scotch pancakes cooking in a frying pan

Remove the cooked pancakes from the pan and pop them spaced out, either onto a cooling rack or clean tray or plate.

Gluten free scotch pancakes on a plate

Repeat the cooking process until all the batter has been used. You will need to add a touch more oil to the pan for each batch. 

Recipes notes and suggestions:

The pancakes are best enjoyed fresh but can be stored in a cool place for up to 3 days. Just wrap them well or pop into an airtight container. They can also be frozen. To prevent the pancakes sticking together once frozen, slip a disk of greaseproof in between each pancake before stacking and popping into a freezer bag. 

As I mentioned in the method, the original recipe suggests you add 2 tablespoons of batter for each pancake. This would give you a thicker pancake than the ones I made. Should you wish to make them a little thicker, I’d recommend adding the second spoonful on top of the first a few seconds later so the batter doesn’t spread out too much. I’d also suggest lowering the heat a little so the pancakes don’t cook to quickly.

Scotch pancakes are delicious hot or cold. Enjoy them just as they come or spread with a spot of butter. They are of course the perfect vessel to be ladened with anything that grabs you; maple syrup, jam, *chocolate spread, peanut butter, generous portions of fresh fruit would all be rather wonderful things to enjoy with these yummy pancakes. 

To reheat the pancakes, pop them into a dedicated gf toaster or under the grill.

Whilst pancake batter can be whipped up in a flash, should you wish to make it in advance, it can then be covered and stored in the fridge for up to 24hrs. 

Thanks for checking out this recipe for gluten free scotch pancakes, there’s also a video of me making these pancakes over on YouTube; I’d love you to to take a peep! And if pancakes are your thing, here’s a traditional pancake recipe that you make fancy checking out.

For now,
Liz x

*Check this product out to ensure no gluten containing ingredients or ‘may contain’ or ‘not suitable’ warnings on the pack. If in doubt leave it out.

2 thoughts on “Gluten free Scotch pancakes (drop scones)

  1. Katie Louise Poulain says:

    I have made these 3 times now after trying a few others. These are the only ones that feel, smell & taste like3 ‘normal’ scotch pancakes. They are the only ones my little girl wolfs down, as she did before she had to go GF! It had become tradition for us to have scotch pancakes every Sunday & when we had to change her diet, I couldn’t find a recipe she liked; until now! These are amazing & allow us to retain some normality, so thank you! x

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